The Sales Comparison Grid

Posted by on May 8, 2012 | One Comment

Has a high end seller ever said, “Those comparable are not like mine ” or “it’s not as well-located as mine ” when you present your CMA? Hello luxury agents. This week we are going to talk about the sales comparison grid. The sales comparison grid allows us to make and demonstrate adjustments to the comparables that make them more like the property you are working to evaluate.

This video is a little long because using the grid takes a little getting used to. Follow along and you’ll learn how you can overcome the “that comp is not like mine” objection using the grid.

Don’t forget, if you bought my book “Selling Luxury Homes” you get a free 20-minute phone consultation with me, and until next week, make it a great week.

Luxury Market Preparation Guide
List Eval Form

The Listing Evaluation Form

May 1, 2012
The Sales Comparison Grid (Part ll)

The Sales Comparison Grid (Part ll)

May 13, 2012

1 Comment

  1. mike adams

    hank you. you are my hero & number one GURU. I bought & read ever word in your book many times, typed out the key words. on page 209 please send me a copy of your grid where the info is not already filled in. my subdivision has 4700 homes values from $550,000 to over $3 million. i plan unprecedented involvement where everyone will know my name. i have a ALHS designation & took a 2-day course Accredited Luxury Home specialist. there is strong competition in my 4700 home farm but i am the only one living there and 100% focused. I’m trying to use all possible strategies to dominate. i will send you a copy of my biz card using your suggestions. thank you for sending me your “Sales Comparison Grid” i’ve been a real estate broker for 40-years. we may have some of the same classes.
    Mike Adams


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