Are You Working Smarter? (Part ll)

Posted by on Jun 19, 2012 | No Comments

Hello luxury agents. Did you hear the news this week about the guy who walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope? To me it is a terrific metaphor for the importance of mindset and the concept of what you are focusing on becomes real. In the case of the tightrope walker, he had to focus on the goal: his destination on the other side of the falls, rather than the falls themselves. Focusing on the wrong thing could have resulted in disaster.

As we talked about working smarter versus working harder, today’s video will talk about the importance of focus and how we can maintain it.

I hope you enjoy the video where we set the scene for working smarter. As always, remember if you bought book, “Selling Luxury Homes”, you are entitled to a free 20-minute phone consultation with me. I also welcome your questions and comments, both directly via e-mail or Facebook. Until next time, make it a great week.

Luxury Market Preparation Guide
Work Smarter

Are You Working Smarter?

June 12, 2012
Work Smarter 3

Are You Working Smarter? (Part lll)

June 26, 2012

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