Are You Using The Right Tools?

Posted by on Jul 30, 2012 | 2 Comments

Hello Luxury Real Estate Agents,

We’re continuing our discussion of the Tour de France bicycling and luxury real estate. To be successful in the Tour de France, you need the right tools in the form of the right bikes. Tour bikes cost a fortune, are handmade and are moving works of art.

In the background of my video are some of the bikes in my garage which include a road bike, an off-road bike, and even a beach bike.

When we think of the right tools in luxury real estate, we often think about tech tools like Smartphones, iPads, laptops, etc. While these tools are important, the real important tools are those that we carry inside us, what I call the inner tools. We’ll cover more about that next week.

Don’t forget if you bought my book, “Selling Luxury Homes”, you’re entitled to a 20-minute phone consultation with me. Just fill out the form and fax or scan it back.

Until next time, make it a great week.

Luxury Market Preparation Guide
Jack Bike July 24 2012

Who Is Inspiring You?

July 24, 2012
Inner Tools

Making The Most Of Your Inner Tools

August 7, 2012


  1. Bill Bouscher

    Hi Jack,

    Great topic this week. All the gadgets and techie stuff in the world are great tools if we use them correctly, but the “tools” we carry around inside ourselves are the ones that can make or break us. Two that, to me, are vital are: 1. Be well-organized and prepared for anything. 2. Think, look and act like a real estate professional.

    If we don’t plan properly for our family, business, clients, finances and future we doom our potential and our opportunities right from the beginning. Having the latest laptop, cell phone, I-pad, camera or whatever is a big plus in our business, but the customers and clients aren’t looking at your equipment, they are looking and listening to you. If an agent is not organized, improperly attired, looks sloppy and doesn’t sound like the brightest bulb in the box, they are not going to get hired, plain and simple.

    During your next series of videos, I hope that you will consider commenting on any or all of the above. Please keep doing what you’re doing – it’s all good.

    • Jack

      Thanks, Bill
      I will keep your excellent comments in mind during my future blogs. thanks so much for viewing and commenting


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