Measuring Your Effectiveness

Posted by on Aug 21, 2012 | No Comments

We’re just about completing our focus on the Tour de France and Luxury Real Estate.  As I watched the tour earlier this summer, one commercial really stuck out to me and that is one for an iPhone app called You download this app and hit the start button before you begin a ride or run.

When you finish the ride, hit the end button and it actually maps out the route and calculates how many feet you climbed during the ride or run. Further, it tells you how many miles you went, your average speed, your top speed and even how many calories you burned.

Now when I ride, I am aware of the app clicking away in my pocket measuring everything and I begin to wonder: Am I pedaling as hard as I can right now? Am I in the right gear? Am I on the right bike? Am I doing everything I can to maximize this ride?

So naturally, these thoughts turned to real estate and get me thinking that during the course of the day we can ask ourselves similar questions: Is what I’m doing right now getting me closer to my goal or keeping me on track to reaching my goal? Is this activity the one I should be completing right now?

Enjoy the video. We’ll discuss this in more depth and until next time when we conclude this series. Remember that if you bought my book, “Selling Luxury Homes”, you’re entitled to a 20-minute complimentary phone consultation with me. I look forward to talking to you and answering your questions.

As always, make it a great week!

Luxury Market Preparation Guide
Developing and Honing Your Skills

Developing and Honing Your Skills

August 13, 2012
Creating Benchmarks

Creating And Surpassing Your Benchmarks

August 27, 2012

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