The Conch Tree and Luxury Real Estate
On the last day of the Thanksgiving weekend, the sun was blazing, the wind was roaring and the temperature was dropping. What better time for a bike ride on the nearly frozen sand of Long Beach here on Cape Cod? I came across the Conch Tree and my mind turned to real estate and the recent NAR convention in Orlando Florida.
I know it sounds like a stretch, but watch the video and you’ll see. It is time to begin thinking of the fast approaching New Year and how we are going to prepare. Aside from the normal goal setting and business planning, what are you going to do about staying positive, refreshed and sharp? I have some ideas on that also and share them in the video.
Don’t forget, if you bought my book Selling Luxury Homes, you are entitled to a one-on-one phone consultation with me. Do not delay in making your reservation.