Luxury Real Estate Agents’ Deadly Business Planning Sin #10
Just a few more on our list of 12 Deadly Business Planning Sins remain. Today we’re going to talk about Sin number 10: Not Having a Strong Enough Belief System. This sin is so bad that the video will be a bit longer than usual as I help you overcome and conquer it.
No matter how great your plan, no matter how worthy your goals, they will not be achieved no matter how hard you work if your core belief system does not support you. Our core beliefs come from three areas:
• Our “wiring”, otherwise known as instinct.
• From our Childhood
• From our self-talk.
I will remind you in today’s video that the science of thought is as old as humankind. As a result, much has been written and said on the subject.
The video today will outline three ways for the Luxury Real Estate Specialist to overcome the tendency to commit Sin #10.
• Create a Belief Statement
• The Power of Positive Questions
• Affirmations
Enjoy this week’s video.
Action item this week:
• Send me a copy of your Belief Statement.
• Go to and download the free business plan.
Lastly: Think about your own luxury listings and decide which one could benefit from exposure through this newsletter. Send me pictures and a brief description with your contact information and I’ll include the best one with mine in this weekly e-video news blast. Wouldn’t that be great if we had a referral in our group every single week as a result of this video series?
When your calendar is out, enter March 5th for Luxury Real Estate Unplugged. In lieu of one-on-one coaching sessions for people who’ve bought my book, Selling Luxury Homes. I’ll be doing one-on-one coaching in a group setting. Watch for details.
In the meantime don’t forget to pass this video to a Realtor friend.