Luxury Real Estate Agents’ Deadly Business Planning Sin #8
We’re more than halfway through our list of 12 Deadly Business Planning Sins. Today we’re going to talk about Sin number 8: Not Having a System for Accountability.
Not having a system of accountability is why many of us got into real estate. We like to do what, when and how we want at any given moment. I suppose no one really likes to be held accountable, but to achieve really big goals, to be truly successful in any business, especially real estate; you’ve got to have a system for accountability.
This system can take the form of:
• An accountability partner, an agent from in your office or across town, or even across the country who doesn’t compete, who you check in with on a regular basis to make sure you’re achieving all the steps that are on your action plan that lead you towards your goals.
• A coach or a mentor who you actually hire. (I need to do this for workouts)
• A family member, probably not the best, but better than no accountability.
• A tracking system that you can report into each day.
For an action item this week:
• Think about your income goal from step number 1.
• Who are you going to share that goal with?
• More importantly, as you break down the steps required to achieve that goal, how will you hold yourself accountable to taking the steps?
• Go to and download the free business plan. The back page has an accountability section where all the steps that are required to achieve the goal you set are broken down and you can enter all of your progress towards taking the step that will get you to your goal.
One last thing: Think about your own luxury listings and decide which one could benefit from exposure through this newsletter. Send me pictures and a brief description with your contact information and I’ll include the best one with mine in this weekly e-video news blast. Wouldn’t that be great if we had a referral in our group every single week as a result of this video series?
Lastly I want to mention that we’ll be announcing the date and time soon for what I call Luxury Real Estate Unplugged. I can no longer do one-on-one free coaching sessions for people who’ve bought my book, Selling Luxury Homes. What I can do is set up group webinars where you can log in and get your questions answered in a live one-on-one atmosphere. Think of it as one-on-one coaching in a group setting,
In the meantime don’t forget to pass this video to a Realtor friend.