Luxury Real Estate Agents’ Deadly Business Planning Sin #12
Yeah! We are at the end of our list of 12 Deadly Business Planning Sins. Today we’re going to talk about Sin number 12: Not Planning Your Personal Goals and Time First.
What is it about this business that can become all consuming? Before you know it, you are working all hours to the detriment of personal time, family time and unwinding time. The late Howard Brinton always said to “Pay yourself first.” He meant that you should take a percentage off the top of your gross income and put it away into savings. The same applies for your time and goals. Take time, effort and energy “off the top” for your personal needs:
• Family
• Friends
• Time with Self to Unwind.
I also gave a bonus Sin in the video: #13 Sin is Not taking time to sharpen your saw. You can do more in less time if you can increase your batting average. In other words, increase your ration of leads to appointments; appointments to listings and listings to sales. You do this by reading, listening to CD, attending training sessions and conferences and even getting a coach.
SO… in 2013, what
• Books will you read?
• What seminars or conferences will you attend?
• What courses will you take?
• Will you engage a mentor or coach?
You can sharpen your saw right away by registering RIGHT NOW for This is FREE, monthly one-on-one coaching in a group setting. Sigh up and get your question submitted without delay.
Enjoy this week’s video.
Action item this week:
• Go to and download the free business plan, and get Started with your Plan
• Go to and register for the next webinar.
Lastly: Think about your own luxury listings and decide which one could benefit from exposure through this newsletter. Send me pictures and a brief description with your contact information and I’ll include the best one with mine in this weekly e-video news blast. Wouldn’t that be great if we had a referral in our group every single week as a result of this video series?
In the meantime don’t forget to pass this video to a Realtor friend.