How to Supercharge Your Luxury Real Estate Goals
Last week, we covered five tips that elite athletes can use to attain their goals.
In today’s video, I will talk about the five tips in greater depth, and how they can relate to YOU, the Luxury Real Estate Expert.
1. Choose an event or milestone.
a) Is there a specific property or price point you want to attain?
2. Make sure it’s realistic.
a) I don’t have $75M homes in my market. Selling one would not be realistic for me.
3. Make it specific.
a) How many $10M homes do you want to sell this year or next? What about $5M or $1M homes? Instead of just dollars and transactions, think about specific properties.
4. Share your goal.
a) “Burn your bridges.” Let other people know what you aim to achieve and let them hold you accountable.
5. Create a training plan.
a) An action plan is critical to achieve your goals. And don’t forget…
b) Rewards along the way
I will cover all of this in greater detail in today’s video. Enjoy!
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Until next time, make it a great week!
Jack Cotton
1 Comment
Michael Thacker
08/26/2015Would you say that when you tell others your goals and make yourself accountable, that you are “burning your bridges to failure”, so you only have the choice to succeed?!