How Much Do You Spend on Marketing?
It’s already August, can summer go by any faster? I wish there was a way to slow down time.
Anyway, I’ve been asked to shoot some videos from the water. You don’t have to ask me that twice!
Also, since it is August, I thought I would make things mellow and start a series of blog videos with 25 easy to implement, low cost and high impact marketing ideas. Today I will cover the first five and do five more each week of this month. Here are the first tips I’d like to share with you:
1. Determine a percentage of gross income to spend annually on marketing. Determine your industry average.
2. Join or organize a breakfast club or Personal Board of Directors with other professionals.
3. Redecorate or at least clean your office or location where you meet with your clients, paying special attention to one room in particular!
4. Laminate good press featuring a customer or client and send it along with a personal note.
5. Ask clients for “testimonials” and leverage them in your business.
These 5 marketing tips can create dramatic results in your Luxury Real Estate business. Share on XWatch the video to learn more and…
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Deb Cullen
08/02/2016ahhhh…. summer on Cape Cod… so Jealous!!!
Thanks Jack.
09/05/2016so bummed that it is over, as usual, a big storm to end the season