My Top Five Marketing Ideas
We’ve previously spoken about ways to improve your negotiation skills and how to make the most of your listings. Now, let’s talk about marketing ideas. I’m going to share with you my top five marketing idea recommendations, and the best way to implement them into your business plan.
Top Five Marketing Ideas
1. Establish a Marketing and Public Relations Advisory or Mastermind Group.
This group should consist of your business colleagues or non-competing business owners in your marketplace. One of the purposes of the group is not for referrals, but rather to share marketing ideas between businesses and get feedback on your own strategies.
2. Create a Slogan or One-Sentence Description of Your Business and Print It on Your Letterhead.
You’ll find that having one that is memorable and meaningful, not just trite and cute, can have an impact. Make your slogan one that will be remembered by buyers, sellers, and anyone who reads it.
3. Start Cross-Promotions with Other Business Organizations.
Have a preferred vendor list on your website and include specialties such as carpenters, plumbers, electricians, cleaners, bankers, and hardware stores. Ask them to promote your website on their site to increase your reach in the market!
As a luxury realtor, get creative about marketing yourself so buyers will remember you when they're looking for an agent. Share on X4. Test a New Mailing List.
If it produces positive results, add it to your current mailing list, or replace a section of your list that has low performance. However, make sure to always be checking and testing your mailing lists to ensure you’re getting the results you want.
5. Use Colored, Oversized, Bold Envelopes for Your Direct Mail.
Make them stand out! A lot of people are using plain white envelopes and hand-addressing them with regular stamps. If you really want to stand out, get creative. Use an oversized envelope with colors that pop, make your logo huge – whatever it takes to stand out amongst a stack of mail.
There you have it, Luxury Realtors – my top five tips and ideas for marketing your business.
Let me know what works for you – what marketing tactics have you used that have served you well?