Fulfilling Your Brand’s Promise
Last week, we explored how Louis Vuitton white gloves exemplified “the promise of branding.” This week we will continue to dig deeper into your branding. We will be discussing how to specifically go about conveying and fulfilling your luxury brand’s promise.
Your brand’s promise will be what allows people to trust you as their luxury real estate agent. Here are a few ways you can format your branding to help promote the message of who you are and what you are promising.
Your logo is vital.
The logo it’s going to convey the image that represents your brand in an easy-to-digest format. Many people think branding is just a logo. It is not. Your logo provides a visual “cue” to your promise. Your logo should be:
- Clean
- Simple
- Elegant
- Absorbed in one “eye bite”
An eye bite is my way of conveying how many bites does the eye have to take out of an image before it can comprehend the image.
For example, think about the Apple, IBM, and AT&T logo. Your eye can see those logos and instantly take it all in. Indeed, keep your logo simple and down to one eye bite—not complicated, confusing, and convoluted.
Same Messaging
What do you want people to say about you and your business when you’re not around? Write that down. Ensure your staff and vendors are signed on to the same message.
This is a message you want to be represented throughout all of your branding.
It’s essential you develop a tagline.
This little bite-size message should encompass, symbolize, and convey your brand’s promise. Commit to it. This will be how people recognize you when they are listening to something or reading something that is yours.
My tagline is “Until next time, make it a great week.” It goes on everything that I make; newsletters, blogs, and more!
Whether it’s letters, ads, or signs, all the collateral you produce need to look related. Everything you do builds on what you’ve already done and creates the foundation for everything that you’re going to do.
Create templates for everything you use in your business to connect with your clients, customers, and constituents. Consistency is key. Share on XEverything we did in the past became the foundation for everything we’re going to do in the future. Indeed, consistency is critical and will determine how well people recognize who you are, what you promise them, and what you will accomplish for them.
Comment and tell me what your tagline is!
Until next time, make it a great week.