Learn How to Market Yourself
Do you know how to market yourself effectively?
As we continue our marketing series to make the most of your listings, let’s explore how you should be marketing yourself to buyers and sellers.
While high-impact, low-cost marketing ideas will help your business, the impressions and connections you personally make as a realtor are just as important. Your personal marketing should reflect who you are as a brand.
Never let a day pass without engaging in some kind of marketing activity. Share on X
How Are You Marketing Yourself?
Knowing how to effectively market yourself as a realtor can make or break your success. This will change the way people see you and determine if they chose to work with you.
You, Your Business and Properties
Do something every day to market yourself to new connections, to market your business, or to market one of your properties or listings.
One of the ways you can do this is to choose a listing and take one person every day, every week, or every month to show them that property. Now, they may not be the buyer of that property, but they will be able to act as influencers.
Who are the influencers in your market? Improving your personal network can connect you to people who can increase your success and help you learn new things.
Your Marketing Commercial
Create your 30-second commercials. This short video will show people who you are and what you can do for them. It is short and right to the point so you won’t lose your audience and it can be used in many different places.
Set Goals
Don’t forget to set specific marketing goals every single year, for instance, I have a marketing calendar spreadsheet, where I can plan my whole year in advance. It’s a great way to help you watch out for those shiny new things that are always competing with you for your money.
Business Cards
Finally, carry business cards with you all day, every day.
Go into your closet with a stack of business cards, and stuff all your pockets with them. How many times do you go out into the world without having a business card on you? It’s simple, but something you cannot overlook. They’re not made to be stored in a drawer. Imagine what five cards a day could do for your business.
Are there any methods you use in marketing yourself? Share them below in the comments to connect with other realtors.
Until next time, make it a great week