The Five-Step Sales Process

Posted by on Oct 14, 2024 | No Comments

shoeshine tools

Lessons from a Shoeshine Man

One of the most valuable lessons I ever received about sales and customer relationships didn’t come from another real estate agent. It came from an unexpected source—a shoeshine man on the streets of Seattle.

I was in Seattle to give a talk, and my luggage was lost in transit. Desperate to look presentable, I bought a new suit but couldn’t find shoes to fit. The only shoes I had were my beaten-up travel pair. And I’m thinking, what am I going to do?

And there, as the crowd parted, I saw the shoeshine guy sitting on the sidewalk, under a tree, a boombox duct taped to the tree, and all of his implements of shoe shining arranged neatly on the sidewalk in front of him. I knew I needed help, so I approached him.

As he began his work, he struck up a conversation. We talked about life, kids, and his years of shining shoes on that very street corner. Then he told me, “Your shoes are a mess. I have a special brush that will get off the first layer of dirt.” He cleaned them, explaining the importance of each tool and step in his process, from a special oil called “Cadillac oil” to his technique of applying polish with his bare hands to really work it into the leather.

This was an experience. That’s when I realized: this man had a better sales process for shining shoes than most real estate agents have for selling houses. He had de-commoditized his service by walking me through a structured, thoughtful process.

His five-step sales approach is something we can all learn from:

1. Like Me

The shoeshine man’s personality was magnetic. His booming voice and friendly smile drew people in. Before he even started working on my shoes, I liked him. In sales, your personality matters. People buy from those they like.

2. Know Me

Through our conversation, he shared stories about his life, his kids, and his work. I got to know him on a personal level. In any business, building relationships is crucial. When your customers know you, they feel a connection that goes beyond the transaction.

3. Trust Me

The moment he dipped his bare hands into the polish and worked it into my shoes, I trusted him. He had the expertise, and he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty—literally. Trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship. Your clients need to trust that you’ll deliver on your promises.

4. Pay Me

After the shine, I didn’t even ask how much it would cost. I paid him double what he asked because he had added so much value to the experience. When you offer a service that exceeds expectations, people are willing to pay for it—and sometimes more than you ask for.

5. Refer Me

Even years later, I still talk about this shoeshine experience. His process was so unique that I’ve shared the story with countless others. Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful tools in business. When you provide an exceptional experience, your customers will refer you without hesitation.

Applying the Shoeshine Process to Your Business

In any industry, whether it’s real estate or another field, your processes matter. Take a step back and ask yourself: Do you have a structured approach to sales and customer service? Are you de-commoditizing your offerings by providing an experience that leaves a lasting impression?

The shoeshine man in Seattle reminded me of the importance of these five steps. And it’s a lesson we can all apply to our businesses—turn every interaction into an opportunity for connection, trust, and referral.

So, how does your sales process stack up?

By incorporating this five-step approach into your business, you’ll stand out and ensure that your customers keep coming back—and bring others with them.

For those passionate about real estate and driven to succeed, breaking into the luxury market is well within reach. Should you have any questions about entering this exclusive field, don’t hesitate to reach out or consider joining Luxury Real Estate Unplugged!

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