How You Should Market Yourself
As we continue our marketing series to make the most of your listings, let’s explore how you should be marketing yourself to buyers and sellers. While high-impact, low-cost marketing ideas will help your business, the impressions and connections you personally make as a realtor are just as important.
My Top Five Marketing Ideas
We’ve previously spoken about ways to improve your negotiation skills and how to make the most of your listings. Now, let’s talk about marketing ideas. I’m going to share with you my top five marketing idea recommendations, and the best way to implement them into your business plan.
Quantify Your Unique Selling Propositions
Let’s talk about Luxury Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) and appraising them. USP’s will provide you more leverage in your negotiations. To give you an idea of what a USP could be, let me talk about the ones that I use on a daily basis.
Four Negotiation Tactics To Recognize
Last week, we talked about how to improve your negotiating skills. Now I want to talk about negotiation tactics. Tactics Not all of them are totally ethical and above board. I want to share what they are so that you can recognize when they’re being used against you.
Improve Your Negotiating Skills
Last week, we talked about how to keep your listings. Now I want to talk about how you can improve your negotiating skills. We can have an increased ratio of closed transactions if we become better negotiators. I think it’s a great idea to review some of the techniques we have talked about in the […]
How To Keep Your Listings
Last week, we talked about communicating with sellers. Sell listings through communication. There are parts of the country where the market can include houses worth up to 10 million dollars or more, but the properties have stayed on the market for long periods. I have heard from a seller who has had their eight-figure property […]